SAC 2025
  • location: Toronto, Ontario, (Toronto Metropolitan University)
  • chairs: C. Boura, A. Mashatan, A. Miri
SAC 2024
  • location: Montreal, Québec, (Université de Québec à Montreal)
  • chairs: S. Gambs, M. Eichlseder
SAC 2023
  • location: Fredericton, New Brunswick, (University of New Brunswick) (and online)
  • chairs: C. Carlet, K. Mandal, V. Rijmen
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Doug Stinson
  • invited speakers: Tim Beyne, Tim Güneysu
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 14201
SAC 2022
  • location: Windsor, Ontario (University of Windsor) (and online)
  • chairs: H. Wu, B. Smith
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Nadia Heninger
  • invited speakers: Benjamin Wesolowski, Wouter Castryck
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 13742
SAC 2021
  • location: Victoria, British Columbia (University of Victoria) online
  • chairs: A. Hülsing, R. AlTawy
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Sofía Celi
  • invited speaker: Eyal Ronen
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 13203
SAC 2020
  • location: Halifax, Nova Scotia (Dalhousie University) online
  • chairs: M. Jacobson, O. Dunkelman, C. O'Flynn
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Vanessa Teague
  • invited speaker: Benjamin Smith
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 12804
SAC 2019
  • location: Waterloo, Ontario (University of Waterloo)
  • chairs: K. Paterson, D. Stebila
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Tetsu Iwata
  • invited speakers: Doug Stinson, Craig Costello
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 11959
SAC 2018
  • location: Calgary, Alberta University of Calgary
  • chairs: C. Cid, M. Jacobson
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Adi Shamir
  • invited speakers: Carlisle Adams, Andrey Bogdanov, Stafford Tavares
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 11349
SAC 2017
  • location: Ottawa, Ontario (University of Ottawa)
  • chairs: J. Camenisch, C. Adams
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Helena Handschuh
  • invited speaker: Chris Peikert
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 10719
SAC 2016
  • location: St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
  • chairs: R. Avanzi, H. Heys
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Douglas Stebila
  • invited speaker: Francesco Regazzoni
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 10532
SAC 2015
  • location: Sackville, New Brunswick (Mount Allison University)
  • chairs: O. Dunkelman, L. Keliher
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Paul Syverson
  • invited speaker: Gaëtan Leurent
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 9566
SAC 2014
  • location: Montreal, Quebec (Concordia University)
  • chairs: A. Joux, A. Youssef
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Alfred Menezes
  • invited speakers: Pierrick Gaudry, Nigel Smart
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 8781
SAC 2013
  • location: Burnaby, British Columbia (Simon Fraser University)
  • chairs: T. Lange, K. Lauter, P. Lisonek
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Anne Canteaut
  • invited speakers: Paulo Barreto, Douglas Stinson, Antoine Joux, Hugh Williams
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 8282
SAC 2012
  • location: Windsor, Ontario (University of Windsor)
  • chairs: L. Knudsen, H. Wu
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Vincent Rijmen
  • invited speaker: Ian Goldberg
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 7707
SAC 2011
  • location: Toronto, Ontario
  • chairs: A. Miri, S. Vaudenay
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Alfred Menezes
  • invited speaker: Kristin Lauter
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 7118
SAC 2010
  • location: Waterloo, Ontario (University of Waterloo)
  • chairs: A. Biryukov, G. Gong, D. Stinson
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Keith Martin
  • invited speaker: Alexandra Boldyreva
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 6544
SAC 2009
  • location: Calgary, Alberta
  • chairs: M. Jacobson, V. Rijmen, R. Safavi-Naini
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Jan Camenisch
  • invited speaker: Andreas Enge
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 5867
SAC 2008
  • location: Sackville, New Brunswick (Mount Allison University)
  • chairs: R. Avanzi, L. Keliher, F. Sica
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Jacques Patarin
  • invited speaker: Joseph Silverman
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 5381
SAC 2007
  • location: Ottawa (University of Ottawa)
  • chairs: C. Adams, A. Miri, M. Wiener
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by Moti Yung
  • invited speaker: Dan Bernstein
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 4876
SAC 2006
  • location: Montreal (Concordia University)
  • chairs: E. Biham, A. Youssef
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by A. Shamir
  • invited speaker: S. Vaudenay
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 4356

SAC 2005

  • location: Kingston (Queen's University)
  • chairs: B. Preneel, S. Tavares
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by M. Wiener
  • invited speaker: A. Menezes
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 3897
SAC 2004
  • location: Waterloo (University of Waterloo)
  • chairs: H. Handschuh, A. Hasan
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by E. Biham
  • invited speaker: Y. Dodis
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 3357

SAC 2003

  • location: Ottawa (Carleton University)
  • chairs: M. Matsui, R. Zuccherato
  • Stafford Tavares Lecture presented by V. Gligor
  • invited speaker: N. Courtois
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 3006
SAC 2002
  • location: St. John's (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
  • chairs: H. Heys, K. Nyberg
  • invited speakers: S. Babbage, D. Wagner
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 2595

At this workshop, Stafford Tavares was honoured for his vision and many years of service to the SAC workshops with the institution of an invited lecture in his name. The first Stafford Tavares Lecture took place the following year, at SAC 2003.

SAC 2001

  • location: Toronto (Fields Institite)
  • chairs: S. Vaudenay, A. Youssef
  • invited speakers: P. Nguyen, M. Yung
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 2259
SAC 2000
  • location: Waterloo (University of Waterloo)
  • chairs: D. Stinson, S. Tavares
  • invited speakers: M. Bellare, D. Boneh
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 2012
SAC 1999
  • location: Kingston (Queen's University)
  • chairs: C. Adams, H. Heys
  • invited speakers: M. Smid, M. Reiter
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 1758
SAC 1998
  • location: Kingston (Queen's University)
  • chairs: H. Meijer, S. Tavares
  • invited speakers: E. Biham, A. Menezes
  • proceedings: LNCS vol. 1556
SAC 1997
  • location: Ottawa (Carleton University)
  • chairs: C. Adams, M. Just
  • invited speakers: L. Knudsen, A. Rubin, P. Zimmermann
  • proceedings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SAC 1996
  • location: Kingston (Queen's University)
  • chairs: H. Meijer, S. Tavares
  • invited speakers: P. Syverson, S. Vaudenay
  • proceedings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SAC 1995
  • location: Ottawa (Carleton University)
  • chairs: E. Kranakis, P. Van Oorschot
  • invited speakers: K. Nyberg, B. Preneel, D. Stinson
  • selected papers were published in Designs, Codes and Cryptography, Volume 12, Number 3, 1997
  • proceedings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
SAC 1994
  • location: Kingston (Queen's University)
  • chair: S. Tavares
  • invited speakers: P. Kemmerer, M. Wiener
  • proceedings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7